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Friday, May 7, 2010

Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire it succeeded both the Byzantine Empire and the Arab Caliphte, whose mantle to descent from Mohammed it claimed after conquest of Egypt in 1517. The Ottoman Empire was broken up at the end of World War 1, when its heartland of Anatolia became The Republic of Turkey.
The Ottoman Turks were descendants of Turcoman nomads who entered Anatolia in the 11th century as mercenary soldiers of the Seljuks. At the end of 13th century, Osman 1 (from whom the name Ottoman is derived) asserted the independence of his small principality in northwestern Anatolia. within a century his dynasty had extended its domain into an pier stretching from Danube to the Euphrates.
The empire was temporarily disrupted by the invasions of the tartar conqueror Timur. Who defeated and captured the Ottoman Sultan BAYEZI battle of Ankarian 1402. However, Mehmed I (1389-1421), the Restorer, succeeded in reuniting much of the empire, and it was reconstituted by MURAD II and MEHMED II. in 1453, Mehmed II conquered Constantinople, The last Byzantine stronghold. Both Sultans developed the Devshirme system of recruiting Christian for conversion to Islam and service in the Ottoman army and administration. The Christians in the army were organized into elite infantry corps called the JANISSARIES.
The empire reached it peak in the 16th century. Sultan Selim I (1512-20) conquered Egypt and Syria, Gained control of the Arabian Peninsula. and beat back the safavids of Iran at the Battle of Caldiran (1514). His successor, Suleiman I (the magnificent, 1520-66), took Iraq, Hungary and Albania and established Ottoman naval supremacy in the Mediterranean.

The empire reached it peakin the 16th century. Sultan Selim I (1512-20) conquered Egypt and Syria, Gained control of the Arabian Peninsula. and beat back the safavids of Iran at the Battle of Caldiran (1514). His successor, Suleman I (the magneficent, 1520-66), took Iraq, Hungary and Albania abd established Ottoman naval supremacy in the Mediterranean.


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