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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What is a Thorax and Thorax Anatomy

The Thorax is the chest. A thoracic cavity and Thorax Anatomy

Other term for chest is Thorax. The Thoraic cavity divisions, separated from each other by partitions of Pleura. The part cavity occupied by the lungs is the Pleural division, The space between the legs, occupied by esophagus, trachea, large blood vessels, etc. The Mediastinum and the part occupied by heart and its enveloping she pericardial portion.

The parietal layer of the pleura lines the entire thoraic cavity, meaning the internal surface of the ribs the superior surface of the diaphragm and the mediastinum. A separate pleural sac thus encases each lung. Since the outer surface lung is covered by the visceral layer of the pleura, the visceral pleura lies against the partial pleura, separated only by a potential space or pleural space which contains just enough pleural fluid for lubrication. Thus, when the lungs inflate with air, the smooth, moist is parietal pleura. Friction is thereby avoided and respirations are painless. In pleurisy, on the other hand, the pleura are inflamed and respirations become painful.

The elliptical shape of the ribs and their angle of attachment to the spine have functional significance. Lifting up the chest raises the ribs longer slant downward from the spine, and because of the elliptical shape. It enlarges both depth from front to back and width with thorax.

When you aspirate your lungs expands when you exhale your lungs elevate. Thorax and lungs contracts, to descent the diaphragm and elevate the rib cage. It indicates the decreased size of the Thorax and Lungs with diaphragm relaxation and relaxation of the rib case.


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